Five days to go...

Five days from now, I will living in a single dorm in Bilbao. I meant to write a similar "one week left" post, but the pain from my root canal got the best of me (I get to have another one today, yay!). I can't believe after four years of talking this up to friends, stalking travel websites, and browsing through thousands of photos of Spain, it's actually happening. I finally get the opportunity to discover the world. Life is so beautiful right now. 

My friend suggested I make a goals list of the things I want to accomplish in Spain. In order to save paper, I've decided to post it on my blog instead!

  • Create a timelapse: I've been wanting to do a timelapse for the past month or so but haven't found a place cool enough in Porterville to do it. I figure Bilbao will have plenty of cool places for one. Now when I get there, all I have to do is pick a spot. And shoot. 
  • Become fluent or close-to fluent in Spanish: One of the main reasons why I am going to Spain. I am giving up speaking English for Lent, so hopefully this will help. 
  • Eat, eat, eat: I know this is probably a silly goal to have, but I love food too much.
  • Take lots and lots of photos: Finally going to put my DSLR to great use.  
  • Learn Basque: One of the cool parts about being in Bilbao is that in addition to being immersed in Spanish culture, we are also immersed in Basque culture (as Bilbao is in Basque country). I hope to learn enough Basque to have a very basic conversation with someone. 
  • Make Bilbao a place I call home: It's not enough to just be a tourist for four months, I really want to get to know the place where I'll be staying. Porterville is my default home and Los Angeles has been the home of my heart since coming to college. It's time to expand my conceptions of "home."

This list will probably expand as I discover more of Spain. Hasta luego!

Ebony's travel log

In 23 days, I will be off to see the world. Well, Europe....and hopefully northern Africa. Now that I'm in winter break and really have nothing to do until I go, I thought it would be an appropriate time to create a travel log. I'll see this as my first step in documenting my foreign adventures. 

And what better way to create a travel log than Google maps! Really, Google, what can't you do?

With its two placemaarks, my current travel log is...mehh. I'm not a well-traveled woman, but this will change soon.


View Ebony's travel log in a larger map

Perhaps if I add in states this log will have a bit more life to it. Ah, too lazy.

On the search for a blog

Yes, another blog. I know I've been down this road before (in fact, I
think this is my 23894th attempt at a blog), but this time may
actually be different.

I've tried to start a blog on many different sites in years past. I've
tried Blogger, LiveJournal, and even Myspace in my early teenage
years. More recently (this summer actually) I started up a Wordpress
blog in which I said that I would update once a week. That failed.

But there's something different about Posterous. The simplicity of
it...amazes me actually. It baffles my mind how I can post an endless
amount of blog entries (with media) by simply sending emails. If I
ever become a hardcore code fanatic, this is a technology I would love to explore. 

Posterous is very similar to Tumblr, which is probably why I like it so much. The difference though as that Posterous feels more like an actual blog, whereas Tumblr feels like a massive Twitter (no offense to Twitter; I love you). Hopefully with Posterous, I will find my blog-sanctuary. 

Right now it seems like the only topic I have to blog about is blogging. I promise in the future I will have more to blog about (I've already started to think of topics).